How To Elevate Yourself When Your Job Search and Life are Dragging You Down by J. Kelly

How To Elevate Yourself When Your Job Search and Life are Dragging You Down by J. Kelly

How To Elevate Yourself When Your Job Search and Life are Dragging You Down


When you are interviewing, it is easy to become discouraged and feel defeated and dejected. It’s not just you; everyone experiences rejection in the process.

Here are some motivational thoughts to keep you positive and energized when your job search—and life for that matter—is looking bleak and hopeless.

1. Treat each day as a new beginning. Don’t get caught up with all the failures from the past. Forget about prior indiscretions, feuds, animosities or something a family member said to you 13 years ago that you forgot what it even was, but you still won’t talk with them. This is history. History is over. You are not that person any longer. You are the person living in the here and now.

2. There are no “what ifs” only “what’s next.” So, you made the wrong choice over which college to attend and chose the wrong major. You didn’t have a mentor or get the big break. We have to move on and forget about the “what ifs.”  It is a new start.

There are so many successful people who have made it big later in life. They learned from their mistakes and then catapulted their careers.  Some people made all the so-called “right choices,” did well at first and now are just flatlining. Your life and career are long-term marathons and not sprints.

3. Be the person you always wanted to be. It’s never too late to become that person. Don’t live to solely impress others or live out someone’s dreams. Even if you fail, it will be on your own term—as your own person. You don’t want to look back when you are 90-years-old and say you should have done x, y, or z. Do the hard work now to make the 90-year-old you happy and proud.

4. Follow the career choice that is right for you. Acquiescing to a job or profession because you think it will make your parents happy and get them off your back or to impress your friends is not a long-term recipe for success.

You will end up being miserable. As an executive recruiter, I can’t begin to tell you how many lawyers  I have spoken to that made their career decisions for the reasons mentioned and are now terribly miserable. Find a career path that aligns with your values and suits your skills, temperament and abilities. Also, make sure you can make a living.

22. Believe in yourself and your abilities. If you don’t have faith and confidence in yourself, why should anyone else? Treat yourself as you would your best friend. You wouldn’t excessively criticize, chastise, fault-find your best buddy and expect him or her to remain friends with you.

Act kindly toward yourself. Have mercy on yourself when you fail, screw-up, and understanding when you do dumb things. This will help build up confidence and happiness, which ultimately leads to success.

26. Extricate yourself from toxic relationships. Walk away from negative, dishonest, disingenuous, phony, disrespectful, hurtful and time-wasting people.

Spend time with others who are supportive, loving, caring and enable you to succeed. Find friends and colleagues compatible with your principles, who are also positive, successful, strong achievers and growth-oriented. You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

32. Stay away from comparing yourself to others. It will only make you jealous and disappointed. Only compare yourself to the person you were yesterday.

See Also:

‘I’m Broke and Mostly Friendless, and I’ve Wasted My Whole Life’ By H. Havrilesky

Why Self-Compassion Works Better Than Self-Esteem by Olga Khazan

Nay-Sayers and Failure on the Way to Success: Singer Elvis Presley

You’re Not Failing Enough, by Diane Paddison

Being Positive, Associating With Positive People Can Increase Your Chances of Success by K. Elkins

How To Overcome Self-Criticism and Lack of Motivation by Bryn Mooth

Why the Best Success Stories Often Begin With Failure by Amy Crawford

Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway – The Self Help Book by Susan Jeffers

Recovering from Failure – articles by various authors

Become More Resilient by Learning to Take Joy Seriously by Brad Stulberg

How People Learn to Become Resilient by Maria Konnikova

Top 10 Regrets Of The Dying by Dale Partridge

Ten Famous Artists Who Had to Deal with Rejection During Their Lifetime by Lori McNee  

How People Learn to Become Resilient by Maria Konnikova

The Secrets of Resilience by M. Jay

Why the Fear of Rejection Overrides One’s Ability to Ask for What They Want or Need

How to Stop Caring About What Other People Think – Don’t Let A Little Criticism Hold You Back, by Simran Takhar

After 27 Rejections, Dr. Seuss Almost Burned His First Unpublished Book – But He Hung In There and Went on to Become a Best-Selling Author

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