Irish Entertainers Publicly Supporting Abortion – including U2 and Actor Chris O’Dowd (This Is Not A Good A Thing)

Irish Entertainers Publicly Supporting Abortion – including Pop Band U2 and Actor Chris O’Dowd (This Is Not A Good A Thing)

I’ve said it before on this blog, and I’ll no doubt have to say it again in the future, but celebrities really should keep their political views to themselves – and I’dd add they should keep their view on highly controversial, inflammatory topics, such as abortion, to themselves as well.

Before I address the annoying public celebrity commentary and support of a controversial issue, to get you up to date here is a link or to about what I’m discussing in this post:

Ireland abortion referendum – the key facts

On May 25 Irish people will vote on whether to relax the country’s strict abortion laws.

Irish abortion referendum: voters on both sides prepare to head home

Ireland divided ahead of abortion referendum

May 2018

Ireland’s strict anti-abortion law was enshrined in its constitution in 1983. No exceptions are made for rape, incest or foetal abnormality, but a later amendment does allow women to travel abroad for a termination.

The vote takes place on May 25th. If the current law is repealed, abortions will be allowed up to 12 weeks of pregnancy in most cases and up to 24 weeks if the women’s health is at risk.
/// end excerpt

Which brings me to this:

Irish Celebrities Publicly Supporting Legalized Abortion

Irish celebrities have been turning up in the news to support the legalization of abortion in Ireland the last few weeks.

At first, I saw mentions of Irish pop band U2, but as of today, I’ve seen a few mentions of Irish actor Chris O’Dowd (who last I heard is residing in a Los Angeles home that he apparently paid around $870,000 in cash for, yet complaining at one time that some of the movie roles he’s accepted don’t pay enough!!), also publicly speaking out in support of abortion.

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